11 Jul 2013

Canola Nutrition Guide

4R Nutrition Guide launched at Oilseeds Workshops
4R Nutrient Stewardship

The 4R Canola Nutrition Guide was launched at the Canola Technology Workshops undertaken in New South Wales (Wagga Wagga, Dubbo and Mulwala), Victoria (Lake Bolac) and South Australia (Clare and Cummins) during July and August. The workshop discussed a range of agronomy issues facing canola producers and the nutrition notes are available for downloading here.
The workshops were sponsored by the Australian Oilseeds Federation with support from the Grains Research and Development Corporation, NSW Primary Industries and Pulse Australia as part of a Better Break Crops Initiative.

Additional Resources

4R Canola Nutrition GuideSize: 1.79 MB

Canola Nutrition PresentationSize: 8.67 MB

More about: Best Management Practices