Baled oaten hay
14 Dec 2018

Nutrition Review for 2018 and Lessons for 2019

2018 presented the complete range of seasonal conditions across the Australian grain production regions. It is difficult to summarise all the issues as they were so variable - from completely failed crops in parts of New South Wales, to crops cut for hay in Victoria and very good yields in areas li

K deficiency in wheat
01 Oct 2017

Potassium responses in beans, canola and wheat

Following the 2016 experiments investigating K responses, a series of field experiments was undertaken at Glenthompson in collaboration with Mr Jim Zwar and Southern Farming Systems. The experiments aim to compare the effect of timing and rate of potassium (KCl) on wheat, canola and beans. The sit

High rainfall cropping landscape
10 Aug 2017

In-season Nutrient Management - South Australia

Take home messages • Good crops from 2016 along with heavy stubbles all suggest depleted N coming into sowing – so extra N may be advisable even with late sown crops. • The decision on N is really about meeting the yield potential that is set – late sown or poorly established crops may not warrant

Field day, Cressy Tasmania, Australia
21 Jul 2017

In-season nutrient management 2017

Summary of the talk : N, S, B and maybe K may be deeper into the profile and access to these may be delayed or reduced. Set N supply to meet yield potential – make water and radiation the limiting factor – not nutrition Still a long way to go though so make N decisions in the light of that yield po

Raining on the plains
18 Jul 2017

In-season nutrient management - 2017

What is a good nutrition program? A good nutrition program is part of a whole agronomy package and cannot – or should not – be considered in isolation from soil type, region, the way paddocks are prepared, the crop type and cultivar, crop protection, equipment available, the yield potential and othe

Sugar Cane
11 Apr 2017

Fertcare Cane Presentations

Understanding the N cycle - and how EEF's can be used to intervene.

Getachew Agegnehu Jenberu with supervisor Dr Paul Nelson, James Cook University.
23 Mar 2017

IPNI Scholars Awards

Qualified applicants are invited and encourage to apply for the 2017 IPNI Scholars awards. Previous winners for Australia and New Zealand are: 2009 - Preeti Sharma, La Trobe University 2010 - Richard Flavell, Univeristy of New England 2010 - Shu Kee Lam, University of Melbourne 2011 - Brooke Ryan,

22 Mar 2017

To replace or not to replace? - that is the question

Nutrient replacement is often discussed when considering rates after either good or poor seasons. Irrespective of off-takes, the general rule remains the same, the nutrient removed has to come from somewhere - from the fertilizer applied and/or from the soil reserves, and often both. So balancing

Inspecting K responses in dairy pastures
01 Mar 2017

Potassium for fodder quality – 2016

Pasture responses to applied K in the dairy industry are reasonably common, but with the increase in the use of bought-in feed, many paddocks are at luxury levels, especially in close proximity to the dairy shed. N use on dairy pastures is common but there is less attention – in general – paid to p

K deficiency in wheat
27 Feb 2017

Potassium responses on wheat and canola at Glenthompson, 2016

Potassium (K), along with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), are the three essential nutrients required from soils by crops and pastures in large quantities. Typically, plant K demand is similar to N, although most of the K is present in stems and leaves rather than seeds. Table 1 shows typical N, P

Barley Crop
24 Feb 2017

Impacts of a wet season on crop nutrition

2016 was one of the wettest cropping seasons all across southern Australia, with flooding and transient waterlogging seen in many areas. As well, some areas also experienced late frosts which reduced crop yields where they hit. Despite this, the overall winter grain production in Australia is esti

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