03 Dec 2013

Two New GRDC Factsheets

Incorporating 4R Nutrient Stewardship

The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) has released two new fact sheets to enhance grain growers’ understanding of crop nutrition. The Better Fertiliser Decisions for Crop Nutrition Fact Sheet and the Micronutrients Fact Sheet provide the latest information on optimising yields from improved crop nutrition. Both were developed with significant input from IPNI, as well as state agricultural agencies.

The Better Fertiliser Decisions for Crop Nutrition Fact Sheet states that inefficient or incorrect use of fertiliser can be a substantial, but somewhat hidden cost, in the cropping operation. Using good data to better understand the nutrient status of soil before deciding on a fertiliser strategy can optimise expenditure on fertiliser and crop yields. This fact sheet delves into the “4Rs” of plant nutrition – the right fertiliser source, applied at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place. It also provides some rules of thumb around soil testing. The 4R nutrient stewardship approach was developed by the International Fertilizer industry as a framework to achieve cropping system goals, such as increased production, increased farmer profitability, enhanced environmental protection and improved sustainability.

The Micronutrients Fact Sheet points out that micronutrient deficiencies can be tricky to diagnose and treat, but by knowing the soil type, considering crop requirements and the season, and supporting this knowledge with diagnostic tools and strategies, effective management is possible. The fact sheet details key micronutrients, how to test for and diagnose deficiencies and the treatments available.

The new fact sheets have been distributed to growers with the November-December issue of GRDC’s Ground Cover magazine and can also be viewed and downloaded via www.grdc.com.au/GRDC-FS-BFDCN and www.grdc.com.au/GRDC-FS-CropNutrition-Micronutrients. Alternatively, they can be downloaded from the links below.

Additional Resources

Better Fertilizer Decisions for CropsSize: 0.75 MB

MicronutrientsSize: 0.63 MB

More about: 4R Nutrient Stewardship