30 Sep 2014

Canola Seed Nutrient Concentrations

Regional values are needed
Canola seed

Canola seed nutrient concentrations for southern Australia

The nutrient concentrations of 290 canola grain samples were analyzed from more than 54 NVT sites across southern Australia. All nutrients tested showed significant differences among regions and states, while within region coefficients of variation were general <3%. Values for the macronutrient P were the most variable (5672±1125 mg/kg) and these values were consisted with commonly used values. The seed N (42±6 kg N/t) were 30% higher than accepted values, while grain S contents (4063±670 mg/kg) were nearly 30% lower than commonly published values. So, regional removal values will provide more accurate removal values for use in nutrient budgets than national values.

While canola seed nutrient concentrations varied with different herbicide tolerance types, glyphosate tolerant types tested showed significantly higher N, K, S, B, Cu and Zn concentrations than conventional canola. There were no significant differences in Mn concentration among conventional, RR and TT types of canola.

Only one seed sample showed seed Cd concentrations above 0.10 mg/kg and although up to 5% samples could approach this value in defatted meal. Levels require ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance with proposed food standards.

A full copy of the paper and the presentation can be downloaded below.

Additional Resources

Paper presented at ARAB 2014Size: 0.14 MB

Presentation at ARAB 2014Size: 0.59 MB

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